Friday 22 June 2012

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Top Punctuation Howlers - The Comma

Commas Help Separate You from the Cannibals

What's so great about the comma? It clears away ambiguity, confusion, and on occasion steers us away from cannibalism. For example:

Martha finds inspiration in cooking her family and her dog.
Martha finds inspiration in cooking, her family, and her dog.

There are many, many rules for comma usage ...

So many that we're going to break it down to the most common grammatical errors involving the comma.

Prevent confusion and uphold your credibility by using these comma tips ...

To read this full Blog entry or post a comment, click here.

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Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:30:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:35:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 6/22/2012 07:36:00 AM

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