Monday 23 September 2013

[Safety Rules] [EzineArticles] 25 Writing Ideas and Article Topics to Reach Your Audience

25 Writing Ideas and Article Topics
To Reach Your Audience Logo

Content Is King

Write quality, original content that meets the interests and needs of your audience and you will succeed at becoming a leading authority in your niche - but no matter how long you sit at your writing desk, what if you can't think of what you should write about?

Whether you've been writing articles for years or you're brand new to content writing, bookmark or pin this list of writing ideas and article topics to give your next writing session (and all future writing sessions) a great kick start.

  1. Categorize Phases: Identify stages of a process, activity, or topic in general, such as introductory, advanced, and professional or even mild, moderate, and severe.

  2. Take Them Back in Time: Reminisce and reflect on how it has changed for better or for worse. Readers love nostalgia and younger generations may be able to use it for research.

  3. Create a Checklist: Make a list of items required, things to be done, points to be considered, or items used as a reminder.

  4. Identify Common Problems: Describe a frequent problem or problems and then provide solutions.

  5. Uncover Obscure Problems: Describe a sporadic or uncommon problem or problems and then provide solutions.

  6. Take a Stance: Factually address a controversial issue, but be on the side of caution! Make telling the truth your goal and the controversy the side effect of that truth.

  7. Propose Counter Positions: Suggest the other side of a topic by providing the counter argument or angle.

  8. Jump Into Current Events: While staying in your niche, identify relevant links between a current event and a topic as well as show your audience how they're affected.

  9. Write a Dear Expert Q&A: Provide a relevant question from a client or customer in a Dear [Your Name] format and provide a personable, compassionate response.

  10. Provide All Angles: Consider a highly discussed topic and provide an in-depth explanation of a topic based on unique insights, analysis, and commentary - pros and cons, risks and benefits, etc.

  11. Illustrate a Euphemism: Evaluate how a euphemism is similar to aspects in your niche and break down the meaning by listing similarities and differences.

  12. Create a List of Goals: Help readers set realistic goals by providing a list of common goals in your niche and identifying measures and milestones to achieving those goals.

  13. Identify the Golden Rules: Provide a list of rules that sum up the primary lessons you've discovered or learned through your experience and expertise in your niche.

  14. Share Gratitude: Create a list of things you're grateful for in your niche and explain how each item works and why it was critical to your success.

  15. Bring Seasonal Cheer: Select a holiday or season and provide tips or insights relevant to the festive context (e.g., decorating, presents, traditions, consequences, etc.).

  16. Be Helpful with a How To: Like a recipe, provide the chronological steps to achieve a particular end goal as well as list the ingredients or supplies needed.

  17. Share the Love: Share something you love (or have a passion for) and describe why you love it.

  18. Industry Trends: Identify, provide examples of, and analyze recent trends in your niche that are pertinent.

  19. Lay Down the Law: Even if they're more like guidelines than laws, create a list that identifies the unwritten rules or laws of your niche.

  20. Take Readers on Location: Share location-specific details about places you're familiar with, like sharing a perspective on culture values, local/regional laws, unique amenities, and attractions.

  21. Share Saving Techniques: Pick a resource in your niche that's important, share why it matters, and propose proven methods to save that resource.

  22. Prevent Mistakes: Hindsight is 20/20. Turn your mistakes into an education resource to help your readers avoid the mistake by identifying them and then provide measures on how it can be avoided.

  23. Recommend Motivating Activators: Share how you stay motivated to maintain your drive for success in lieu of the constant balancing act of family, work, and play.

  24. Bust Myths: Point out a prevailing myth in your niche. Bust it by providing evidence, whether one point or a list of facts, that completely debunks it.

  25. Review Products and Services: Provide an unbiased critique of a product or service in your niche that will help benefit readers in their purchase.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: This list is based on the writing ideas and prompts of the first 25 article templates you get in the bulk 52 Article Templates package. Get the structure for these writing ideas and 25 more article topics by downloading all 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF!

Want more? Browse our Build Your Own Article Template Packages which contain a set of 15 interactive article templates on PDF. Get the package that best suits your audience and your needs to write quality, original articles fast!

Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Bonus! Get 10 interactive Article Templates on PDF FREE by signing up for any Premium Membership subscription length. Sign up at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "... the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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Posted By okwuwa ik v to Safety Rules on 9/23/2013 08:30:00 am

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