Thursday 31 March 2016

EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Mens Issues

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Mens Issues
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
5 Ways In Which Herbal Supplements Can Increase Penis Size And Improve Sex
By: Eugene Wallace
If you worry about your penis size or whether you are good in bed, then you are not alone. So many men are anxious about ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Fitness Equipment

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Fitness Equipment
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Why You Should Get a Fitness Tracker
By: Robert Le
We have been working hard to keep ourselves fit since the industrial revolution. This shows how important it is for our bodies to be able ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Supplements

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Supplements
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Nutritional Supplementing - Good or Bad?
By: Greg Murphy
Are supplements good or bad for us? We hear so many conflicting things about taking them, so what should we understand and look for when ...

A Multivitamin Supplement for a Much Improved Health and Well Being
By: Harshad Jethra
Consuming a variety of foods is important because no single food can supply us with all the nutrients that are required to stay healthy. Just ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Mental Health

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Mental Health
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
You Really Are As Happy, Loving, Kind and Peaceful As You Choose to Be
By: Swasti S Sharma
In my Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression practice I always suggest my clients that the only person who has the power to give them happiness ...

Identifying and Treating Dual Diagnosis
By: Barbara Odozi
Dual diagnosis is a broad category of mental illness wherein a person suffers from more than one coexisting disorders, usually a mood disorder such as ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Massage

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Massage
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Massage Therapy: To Get Perfect Rejuvenation
By: Samaria Thomas
The human race is progressing at a fast pace. With this, the lifestyle of an individual has also changed to a drastic level.

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Weight Loss

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Weight Loss
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
5 Tips On How A Woman Can Lose Weight Fast
By: Alex Martinez
In a world driven by the media, it can be hard to ignore negative messages about weight-loss and the perfect body. Whether your reasons for ...

5 Tips On How A Woman Can Lose Weight
By: Alex Martinez
Women are always conscious of their health and fitness. They always desire to look slim and trim. If any woman gains extra weight, she looks ...

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EzineArticles Alert: News and Society-Religion

EzineArticles Alerts
News and Society»Religion
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
The Name Is the Family of Jesus
By: Norma Holt
It is an exclusive name, but it is not what most people think. By the time this message was given it was known to me ...

The Magic of Heaven and the Mysteries of God
By: Norma Holt
The place where magic happens is in people's imagination. They allow themselves to be tricked into believing the impossible and they worship the make-believe. That ...

Religious Terrorism and the Work of 666
By: Norma Holt
Before the day finally ends the world will undergo massive change. In vision after vision it was shown to me until the pain of watching ...

Shopping Around For A Church?
By: Michael J. S. Austin, Ph.D.
Some people would like to be part of a local church, but find it difficult to weigh up which church to attend. Many are guided ...

The Trap Created by the New Testament and Roman Conspiracy (Ezekiel 22:25-28)
By: Norma Holt
The real God is the Great Spirit of the Universe and it is everywhere and in all things. It has no image and can only ...

Statues of Stone Prayed to As Gods Are an Abomination
By: Norma Holt
The real God is the Great Creative Power of the Universe but it takes an intelligent brain or a 'mind of wisdom' to work that ...

The Noonday Sacrifice and the Darkness of the Afternoon of the Day of the Lord
By: Norma Holt
Few who know the history of the last 2,000 years would deny that it has been a time of extreme violence, insecurity, poverty, and wars. ...

The Amazing Internet and God's Mountain in the Last Days
By: Norma Holt
If one is a student of the prophecies in the Old Testament this question should not even crop up. The facts are, however, that they ...

Man Is Never Alone
By: Arleen Schindler-Kaptur
This world is a land of unlimited problems and issues. You may feel that you are standing along with your values and beliefs. There is ...

Lord, Fix This World
By: Arleen Schindler-Kaptur
As a child you did not see a difference in other children, you did not understand war, and you knew that life was good and ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Obesity

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Obesity
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
10 Reasons To Decrease Sugar Intake From Your Diet
By: Dr. Curtis McElroy
It has been several years, since we were told to decrease the salt in our diets. Then, we were told to cut back on sugar ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Nutrition

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Nutrition
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Spring Forward With Fruits and Vegetables
By: Michelle J Stewart
Now that you've finished up the big meal from the Spring holiday, let's get the folks who strayed from their best laid "healthy" eating plan ...

The Revised Eatwell Plate
By: Jules Eke
In March saw the re launch of the revised eatwell plate published by Public Health England. Various changes were made due to the media interest ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Pain Management

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Pain Management
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Why Spinal X-Rays?
By: Jonathan Saunders
Certain professionals have varying privileges when it comes to ordering specific objective tests. Taking x-rays is one of those tests. Years of training allow certain ...

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